Before speaking with your manager, think about what (if anything) you feel is necessary to share. Just because you may have a health concern or illness does not require you to disclose it to your supervisor. 

If you do decide to have this conversation, schedule a face-to-face (even if it’s virtual) meeting with your supervisor. Start the meeting by thanking them for taking the time to listen to you. From there, state that you have a personal matter to bring to their attention and describe your health concern in a matter-of-fact tone. Explain the extent to which it has been affecting your ability to work, and explain any steps you’ve taken to manage the concern. If you know of ways your supervisor can provide support to you, offer these suggestions. Stay solution-oriented. Give your supervisor an opportunity to respond and ask any questions. At the end, thank them for taking the time to meet with you, and discuss next steps if appropriate.

Your Office of Experiential Learning/Education is also a great resource to help you navigate these personal conversations with your employer.