A well written and detailed job posting can save you a lot of time and effort in your search for qualified students. Clarity is key. It’s important to understand early on exactly what role you are seeking to fill, the scope of the work, and the required qualifications and skills. Here are a few considerations as you build your job posting:

  • Define the role, key responsibilities and required skills and experience. Include a clear job title that matches the role. 
  • If possible, include core competencies that relate directly to the job. Include a clear job title and an overview of how the role fits within the larger organization and its priorities. 
  • Avoid jargon and include specifics on salary if possible, how to apply, key contacts and timelines. 
  • Seek feedback on job postings from your campus career centre if possible. 

To learn more about developing an effective job posting, see CEWIL’s How to Write a Job Posting.